The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie
Fairy-tale and myth retellings, with Matilda Leyser

Fairy-tale and myth retellings, with Matilda Leyser


Hi everyone

I’m delighted to offer you a new episode of The Art of Enchantment podcast, in which I talk about fairy-tale and myth retellings (and running away to join the circus, and mothers who create, and so much more) with Matilda Leyser, author of No Season But the Summer – a reimagining of the myth of Demeter and Persephone which I recommended here a few week ago.

Episodes of this podcast are available exclusively here on Substack, and they’re usually available to paid subscribers only. To give you a flavour, though, I’m making this one available to everyone – with a reminder that if you’d like to upgrade to receive future podcasts as well as all the other benefits of being a paid subscriber, I’m offering 20% of paid subscriptions till the end of July, 2023.

Get 20% off for 1 year

I hope you enjoy our conversation. And do please tell us about your favourite fairy-tale or myth retellings in the comments section.

Walter Crane: The Fate of Persephone

You can find out more about Matilda at these places:

Matilda’s main website:

And – for the curious – aerial images live on this page:

M/Others who Make is here:

And Improbable is here:

My self-study, on-demand course ‘Finding Ourselves in Fairy Tales’ is here.

And you can find out more about Foxfire, Wolfskin and Other Stories of Shapeshifting Women here.

The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie
Words and stories from the award-winning writer, psychologist and mythologist