Dear Sharon, I see that your program is at full capacity and a waitlist is open. I have taken your online course on fairytales and am a paid subscriber. I wanted to join your Pacifica course to deep dive into Narrative Therapy as a tool when working with fairytales.

I am a rest coach/facilitator and I love weaving fairy tales into the practice. In addition to this, I love using creative writing prompts (hence where I wanted to go deeper into Narrative Therapy techniques) to invite my participants to play and engage with the symbols and images present for them. Your work/article on the imaginarium has been SO helpful and I am looking to go deeper into these elements with some support/guidance/mentorship.

I do not have any training/qualification in depth psychology/Jungian studies. I am very drawn to stay connected to the creative practice, play and trust what comes up as opposed to exploring deeply anima/animas and detailed analysis from a Jungian lense when it come to fairytales.

As you can imagine, its a challenge to find the right support/resource /courses to help fill the gap I'm needing guidance on.

I would be ever so grateful for your guidance/advice for me on how I can learn and build my practice.

Thanks as always!

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Hi Gursharn, I'm afraid there aren't other programs of this kind as it's based on my own work and practice. I'll be offering it again in one form or another next year. In the meantime, the Heroine's Journey conversations here offer a small taste. With apologies, as a fulltime writer I'm unable to provide other kinds of support.

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Thank you Sharon for your response. Grateful to know I might be able to take it another time. In the meantime, there is always so much to learn from all that you share in your Substack- very generous indeed!

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I've just registered. Such perfect timing for this!!I am currently working on my dissertation in Pacifica's DJA program and an infusion of dialogue is much needed.! I am so grateful for this offering - thank you!

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Lovely. Look forward to seeing you there and to dialogue in the live sessions!

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This course looks incredible! I’d love to join but would have to miss 2 of the live Zoom sessions, one of which unfortunately is the very first one. Would that still work? (I don’t need CEC credits, just a bit worried about missing too much content). Also, I’m wondering whether there’s an online platform to exchange thoughts, ask questions etc in between the live sessions?

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You're going to need to check that with Pacifica I'm afraid; I'm sure it's okay to miss Zoom sessions and I imagine there'll be a recording. I think there's an online platform for students but again, Pacifica are the organisers and the providers of the platform. Sorry not to be able to answer!

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Thank you for replying and I’ll check with them re online student platform. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be missing too much content with missing 2 out of 8 live sessions?

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Hi Sharon when does enrolment close?

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All info is at the link or to be asked of Pacifica if it's not there. I'm not the organiser so don't know how it works I'm afraid.

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I’m really looking forward to possibly partaking in this. I’ve just recently been captured by the story about Mis from If Woman Rose Rooted. Would love tools to dive into this deep resonance and the strong emotions that rose out from just the reading!

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"Finding Ourselves in Fairy Tales" Oh my, this ecourse looks to be an absolutely marvellous experience.

I'm glad to vouch for the deep value of doing this kind of study and personal exploration out of interest. Decades ago, at a turning point in a tumultuous time, the discovery of my own core fairytale figure/story set me free to grow into midlife in unsuspected, healthier ways. 'Gerda' of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen" dwelt within me, holding wondrous and baffling influence. She remains a resonant part of me, as a (still sometimes tricky!) ally here in my near-eighties. If time, energy, and other realities were otherwise ... well, I'd dive in too. The outline for "Finding Ourselves in Fairy Tales" is very nearly irresistible, even so. For sure, this wisely-paced ecourse will profoundly nourish its participants.

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Thank you, Catharine. And Gerda is such an interesting character, isn't she.

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Sounds like a fabulous course!!

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THRILLED to see this announcement! I have a few logistical concerns relative to CECs (contacted Pacifica already), but if those can be sorted I look forward to learning from you through this course. I know it will be brilliant. x

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Hope the CECs work out!

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Wow, this offering looks phenomenal! I loved the first iteration of this Fairy Tale course (chef’s kiss), but I must say that this version is my absolute dream-class. At this time, I don’t have the means to enroll through Pacifica, so I am just over-the-moon that this class exists, and I hope it will become available in the future. It is an absolute pleasure to learn with Sharon. Enjoy!

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Thank you! I know it's expensive, because it's not offered through my own platform this time. So glad you enjoyed the earlier short course.

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I would love to take this course but, being carer for three family members between 7 and 101 years old, the possible difficulty to connect to the Zoom meetings due to their needs and time differences between Pacific and Greenwich Mean Time and the world's worst internet connection make it very possible I will not be able to keep up.

Wishing all who can best wishes, though! Hope it is a great experience for both staff and students.

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I have just registered. I am very excited; this is exactly what I am working on personally and professionally. I am creating a therapeutic modality around archetype and hero's journey.

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See you there!

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This sounds glorious x

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Feb 13, 2024
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Look forward to seeing you there!

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