May 15Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

I will definitely be pre-ordering this! I can't wait!

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May 12Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

That is the most beautiful cover and very interested in the tales and content. Pre ordering.

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Thank you.

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May 12Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Pre-ordered just now! Thank you 🤗

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Thank you.

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May 10Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

What a lovely thing to look forward to! Hagitude swept me away, and this sounds like a perfect sequel.

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May 10Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

How wonderful.

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May 10Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

I love this! It will be the book I didn’t know I needed, for sure! 🥰 Thank you for writing it! 🙏😀

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Gorgeous cover! I cannot WAIT for this book. Delighted to be able to pre-order, and so happy that it will be coming out in early October ... just in time for a Samhain read! Myth and fairy tale and wise women - oh my!

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The wise woman immediately brought Black Adder to mind. https://youtu.be/VByDD_zZbXM?si=AXKAq_DZ7r4lFfVZ

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Apologies, Richard, for my initial comment, after I'd watched the first bit of this in which it appeared that, as is so often the case, it was about a clever man patronising a foolish woman. Sometimes, after decades of that kind of nonsense, you get a little sensitive :-)

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The whole episode is wonderfully fun. You'll enjoy it!

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Congrats Sharon...apologies if I missed it, but will there be an audio version? ✨

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Yes, for sure. I won't be narrating this one though, because stories and fiction are usually done by actors.

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May 8Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

I so love to watch the (reveal) process of a book coming into its own. Your cover is reflective of the many stories you bring to us. Looking forward to October!

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May 8Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

The book cover looks gorgeously inviting with its embossed gold. And I cant wait to read the Wise Women Stories and their Transformation! Thank-you for researching long and wide to find the uplifting tales of older women- much needed in our times and by myself in my 69th year x x

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May 8Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Sharon, the publishers description alone would be enough to encourage me to pre-order even if I knew absolutely nothing about your work - but fortunately I do and I'm so looking forward to October and publication. Now heading over to BBC Sounds to catch up on Woman's Hour!

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Thank you! There's a Shetland story in there ... one from Tom Muir.

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May 8Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Congratulations, Sharon! The cover is beautiful. Cannot wait to read it 🙂

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What a magically gorgeous cover! I could hang it on my wall. Congratulations! What a much-awaited collection of stories! I am so hopeful it resembles the way of narrating from "Foxfire Wolfskin", your masterful book. Can't wait to receive the copy of "Wise Women" in October! I'm happy to read this joyful announcement on the New Moon.

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This is not a collection of my original reimagined stories, but retellings of the old ones which are true to them rather than subverting. But hope you'll still enjoy.

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Thank you for this distinction. "Foxfire..." is an absolute jewel, breathtaking storytelling art. I am sure I will love your new stories and I look forward to your new offerings for actual oral retellings. I really appreciated how Angharaad taught that in Hagitude last year. I am celebrating your new book with you today. It makes me happy to see the news and the cover.

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May 7Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Pre-ordered. So looking forward to this arriving on my bookshelf come autumn! And what a lovely cover.

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May 7Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

A splendid treat to enjoy as winter descends here! Gleefully pre-ordered in CANADA from amazon.ca -- Big hurray for *** Wise Women: Myths and Stories for Midlife and Beyond ***. (-- cover may be different here, but so wish it were to be the original.)

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Thanks for letting us know the book is available to pre-order here in Canada, too🇨🇦 The Canadian Amazon link was missing in the email from Sharon. Look forward to autumn weather and reading Sharon's book in October🍁📚

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Alma, you are very welcome! Yup, we Canucks as low-key gentle folk do tend to be overlooked by other nations, I find! -- I don't really mind, as it does fit our national charcter profile as kind people not given to seeking attention ... ☺️ 🍁📚 ❤️

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I think we’re a bit like that here in Australia too 😀🐨🦘

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May 8·edited May 8Author

I would really love to be able to put pre-order links for every country in the world but it might get a bit ... cluttered! Glad you found it.

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