Sep 8Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

I don't know how you do it but your writing resonates with something very deep for me ( If Woman Rose Rooted provoked a visceral response when I first read it). I have moved many, many times in my life. I did a tot up a few months ago - over 30 times. And looking to do it again. So I suppose I have never felt at home anywhere - although I have been in my present location for 17 years now. As I age I find that I'm struggling with change - so much easier when I was younger. Even with a child in tow. But still feel that I haven't come home yet. That maybe staying means I'm stuck. I look at other women who make a life for themselves here and wonder what is wrong with me. But I have friends all over and thanks to technology - and the fact that I love driving - changing location doesn't mean I lose connection.

Perhaps you're right - it starts inside. Being at home with yourself. Are we looking outside for something inside? I agree with Wendy when she talks about the energy of a place. It's the feeling I check into when I first go anywhere. My reason for coming here was my parents - getting ill, needing support. Now they have both passed, as have a number of friends and acquaintances in the last 4 years, so perhaps it's new energy that's needed now.

Thank you, Sharon for your musings and insights - they seem to come at significant times for me. It's a comfort to know that others are having similar experiences -feeling experiences, if not physical ones.

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Thank you, Deborah.

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Oh. This hit me hard this morning. Lovely writing. Looking forward to the series. <3

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Sep 5Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

I'm looking forward to this, Sharon. Such a rich vein to explore about place, loss, and moving forward.

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Cara Sharon, thank for sharing these moments. The carvers of truth. Hollowing out the husk's pulp. It's part of the whole we exclaim! And yet, discarded, regardless of how long it took to grow.

I just passed on Women who Rose Rooted to a friend - it was good and it was hard to let go - it's been my emotional dictionary for a while now.

I too have moved so much as of late for very similar reasons. I am in America where stupid people say stupid things and more. I look forward to River Witch,


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Sep 4Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Thank you to all of you who have commented and for any others I have not acknowledged yet….I really appreciate it and I point us back to Sharon who has with her magic, touched hearts ….so vivid I are the set of pictures raised in my Inner Eye - it’s with much gratitude today that I have a sense of ‘belonging’ to something ‘bigger than me’ …. And a sense too that thisCommunity of Mind and Heart and Story is full of grace and raises the ‘game’ beyond Difference/ Violence and Hate. I need it….thank you thank you xx

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Sep 4Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Thank you Sharon - from my heart to yours, from my house to your house and from my hearth to yours too. I have just read your fabulously beautiful and inspiring piece for today 4/9/24 - and the generosity in your writing, the ‘offering’ of your thoughts, your experiences and your pain and passion for life strike me in a deep place inside me….. I smelt the sea, I saw the wild curling waves, I felt the freeze of ice and I feel the tears course down my face. I saw the animals and I can only say Thank You….as I move into my elder hood and too, as I enter the changing world of my own being in the world. I hear your clarion call “ Courage, go on ….just a few more steps …you can do it ….but most of all, keep moving and keep looking…deep looking..and own it”. I’m doing that this morning. Thank you Sharon.

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