Sep 15Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Such beauty. Thank you for sharing this gem of wise working words, wrestling gracefully with the potent forces thrust upon us through the very being of our frail humanity and this luminous world we are cursed and blessed to inhabit for precious brief lifetimes. Yet these places you hold dear will hold you infinitely, I feel sure xx

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of all your writings about your abiding relationship with Lewis, this one dove deepest into my heart. so beautiful and captivating. and that last thought on places that are so integral to our lives, do they remember us??? will be sitting with that for a good while. thank you as always.

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Thank you, Anne.

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Sep 13Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Ohhhh the feelings!! Love this piece <3

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Your writing conveys so well the way that some kinds of wild places capture our souls. It might be rocky, windswept beaches for one, the high desert for another, or the moss-lined spruce and aspen forest nearby our cottage here. I feel like I'm in a magical place when I walk along the quiet paths in the park, remembering similar places from long ago. These places are touchstones, connecting memories that weave through my life, reminding me of myself at different points in time.

Thank you for this beautiful piece! And I mourn the prospect of a massive salmon farm. Surely there are enough of them already...

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Thank you and yes, you would imagine so ...!

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Oh, thank you, Sharon. I loved this piece when I first read it, and I still do. I feel such kinship with it. (I admit, my first response was that I hope the gales tear out any fish farm with such force that it will be deemed an unprofitable venture and given up on straight away so that the selkies can resume their perch with minimal disruption).

I always feel that there are pieces of my heart scattered around the world, like pebbles on the path I have tread. Those dear places, many of them wild, lonely and windswept shores (perhaps I should go pay my respects to Lewis!), are indelibly part of my internal landscape - equal parts mythic and tangible. Entanglement with a place is a complex and enchanting thing.

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

This is a piece of exquisite beauty, Sharon, just like its subjects. Horrible to think of the salmon farming proposal, such cruelty and exploitation, but people will jump at the thought of jobs and prosperity. If only like could be a bit more like the Local Hero movie.

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My heart stuttered at the thought of that salmon farm blotting out this heart-stopping wild place.

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It's just unbelievable. The island needs jobs, but at what price?

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Sep 11Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

This is just such a really beautiful read 🙏

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