Jul 3, 2022Liked by Dr Sharon Blackie

Thank you for this sharing. Hagitude sounds like too beautiful an opportunity to pass by so I've signed up and commit to a year of joy, learning and some very early starts from my New Zealand home!

I love the poem 🙏 and wish to live in a tree. The closest I can get is to use a strong torch and awkward body angles to peer deeply into a mysterious dark opening in a giant Kahikatea tree I share my life with. As far as I can tell it travels meters up on the inside and birds nest up there. What other secrets it holds I can only imagine.

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Hi, I found this a particularly moving read. Thank you very much for it.

I too welcome the darkening months while embracing every one before and after. Having just signed a contract for a trilogy of eco-adventures (Omens & Havens) I'm 30,000 words into a sequel, and having moved from West Wales to the West Country and now to the far north-west of Scotland, our recent deliciously grey 'rain-forest' weather is ideal!

Take care and enjoy your Wales.

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