I'm new to writing and what you said about your writing style really spoke to me. Getting past that first draft is the hard part. I'm going to be honest I haven't read your books yet but from what I've read of this newsletter I would love to. The title drew me in and the writing kept me here.
It's been 8 years since I read If Women Rose Rooted and one of the things I have loved most about it is that as I have passed it on to friend, sister, mother, each one of those people I have shared it with has quoted back to me passages that have moved them to tears as they read it. It has been a beautiful show of how connected women are and how we trust our sisters when they say "you have to read this". Who needs a traditional review when you have the soul and power of women to spread the word.
At certain times since my liberation, I have felt the blood of my Celtic warrior women and wise women ancestors rise in my veins. I have felt it when no weather stops me from running in the wild, when nature shows me her way of being that becomes my way of being, and when some music moves my soul and body. I've been babbling on about it for several years. This Substack post feels like a unexpected glimpse of a beloved friend.
Thank you Sharon for changing my life through your words and example.
I found If Women Rose Rooted on my Kindle while on vacation. I devoured it on the plane home. Often with tears running down my face in joy and relief because I finally had words to describe how I saw the world and my place in it.
I immediately bought a paperback copy. A few years later, loaned it to a friend, never to see it again. So I bought another. I will always have a copy on my shelf.
I really enjoy your writing, I'm currently reading Hagitude which my son bought me for Christmas. I'm actively seeking out thoughts and ideas on what it means to be a woman in the second half of life and your work is inspirational, thank you.
There is so much in this newsletter. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "..And I hope this new edition will set a few more women free" - this line almost brought me to tears. I suppose I feel that's what If Women Rose Rooted is doing for me, bit by little bit, as I fully digest your teachings.
This book changed my life & still does. Im of Scottish and Cornish blood. Spent my whole life feeling disconnected from my ancestry and at war with the wildness within me that seemed to have no place in this sanitised and suppressed society. I fought myself tooth and nail for years, running away from the very roots and medicine of my Celtic origins. When i first met this book at the beginning of lockdown in the UK it was the catalyst for the deepest awakening and remembering in my bones. This book blew fresh air onto a tiny ember in my heart that grew into a raging fire, that year i sold all my belongings, quit my corporate job, bought a van and moved myself up to my family's small croft in the highlands, I've been living in a bell tent on the land here since. My life has changed dramatically, i can hear my ancestors now, i can hear the plants and the stories of the land. I feel in service to something bigger than me, this collective remembrance of our power as women to bring back balance to the earth. I am immeasurably grateful for this book, for it reconnected me to my soul.
I’m not sure how I came across your work but I’m so glad I have. I live in the land known as Australia, and I have English and Irish heritage. Reading your email has further encouraged me to find out more about my ancestors. Thank you
I am a woman of a certain age now. (This sentence makes me laugh because I still in many ways feel like a young girl.) I’m currently reading and listening to you read Hagitude…I can’t wait to read If Women Rose Rooted!
I have found myself at a crossroads and been studying deeply the ideas of how to connect with the land to bring forth my gifts in a different way. In that path, I came across storytelling, women, and mythology from European traditions as is my familial lines. Roses keep appearing.
Congrats for staying the course even when no one knew how to categorize your book, sometimes it's about blending and breaking boundaries. Have you considered starting a book club on these themes? I'd be intrigued to join.
I am so glad to be part of this community. I feel at home here and would like to see more men embrace their deeply rooted feminine.
I'm new to writing and what you said about your writing style really spoke to me. Getting past that first draft is the hard part. I'm going to be honest I haven't read your books yet but from what I've read of this newsletter I would love to. The title drew me in and the writing kept me here.
It's been 8 years since I read If Women Rose Rooted and one of the things I have loved most about it is that as I have passed it on to friend, sister, mother, each one of those people I have shared it with has quoted back to me passages that have moved them to tears as they read it. It has been a beautiful show of how connected women are and how we trust our sisters when they say "you have to read this". Who needs a traditional review when you have the soul and power of women to spread the word.
At certain times since my liberation, I have felt the blood of my Celtic warrior women and wise women ancestors rise in my veins. I have felt it when no weather stops me from running in the wild, when nature shows me her way of being that becomes my way of being, and when some music moves my soul and body. I've been babbling on about it for several years. This Substack post feels like a unexpected glimpse of a beloved friend.
Thank you Sharon for changing my life through your words and example.
I found If Women Rose Rooted on my Kindle while on vacation. I devoured it on the plane home. Often with tears running down my face in joy and relief because I finally had words to describe how I saw the world and my place in it.
I immediately bought a paperback copy. A few years later, loaned it to a friend, never to see it again. So I bought another. I will always have a copy on my shelf.
I really enjoy your writing, I'm currently reading Hagitude which my son bought me for Christmas. I'm actively seeking out thoughts and ideas on what it means to be a woman in the second half of life and your work is inspirational, thank you.
There is so much in this newsletter. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "..And I hope this new edition will set a few more women free" - this line almost brought me to tears. I suppose I feel that's what If Women Rose Rooted is doing for me, bit by little bit, as I fully digest your teachings.
This book changed my life & still does. Im of Scottish and Cornish blood. Spent my whole life feeling disconnected from my ancestry and at war with the wildness within me that seemed to have no place in this sanitised and suppressed society. I fought myself tooth and nail for years, running away from the very roots and medicine of my Celtic origins. When i first met this book at the beginning of lockdown in the UK it was the catalyst for the deepest awakening and remembering in my bones. This book blew fresh air onto a tiny ember in my heart that grew into a raging fire, that year i sold all my belongings, quit my corporate job, bought a van and moved myself up to my family's small croft in the highlands, I've been living in a bell tent on the land here since. My life has changed dramatically, i can hear my ancestors now, i can hear the plants and the stories of the land. I feel in service to something bigger than me, this collective remembrance of our power as women to bring back balance to the earth. I am immeasurably grateful for this book, for it reconnected me to my soul.
I would so love to receive this book full of wisdom and girl power!
I’m not sure how I came across your work but I’m so glad I have. I live in the land known as Australia, and I have English and Irish heritage. Reading your email has further encouraged me to find out more about my ancestors. Thank you
I am a woman of a certain age now. (This sentence makes me laugh because I still in many ways feel like a young girl.) I’m currently reading and listening to you read Hagitude…I can’t wait to read If Women Rose Rooted!
I have found myself at a crossroads and been studying deeply the ideas of how to connect with the land to bring forth my gifts in a different way. In that path, I came across storytelling, women, and mythology from European traditions as is my familial lines. Roses keep appearing.
Deepest gratitude for your brilliant offerings .
I feel the strength of my Celtic lineage moving through evenmore when I read your words.
I cherish my copy of If Women Rose Rooted, but absolutely love the new cover! I've been in the Bone Cave and look forward to more sessions there.
Congrats for staying the course even when no one knew how to categorize your book, sometimes it's about blending and breaking boundaries. Have you considered starting a book club on these themes? I'd be intrigued to join.
I have it in my head, actually, for paying subscribers here at the end of the year. If it happens you'll hear about it in this monthly newsletter!
Excellent, I so appreciate the wisdom you've cultivated and offer on substack I just became a paid subscriber. I look forward to the year with you.
Beautiful post! I have ancestry in the British Isles and Ireland, and it's my dream to visit next year. 💙